Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Changes to my study programme

Today I have to talk about the changes that may be present in my study program. To begin with I will first talk about those changes that in my opinion should be made in my study program. Therefore, the first change that in my opinion is necessary is a change in relation to the workload and lengh of studies. I study chemistry and pharmacy, as some will know (those who study this career) the University of Chile, it create pharmaceutical chemical professionals who are capable of performing in many areas, such as: industrial area or laboratory (very related to management tasks ), regulatory area (closely related to laws and decrees governing pharmaceutical products), community or private pharmacy area (it is also related to management and control tasks), clinical area (closely related to direct work with the patient and the interaction of the drugs with them), we also have areas in police investigations, areas in blood bank, areas of research, areas in analytical work. In summary, we can conclude that many of these areas require very different abilities from each other. For this reason, the University of Chile, it prepares you to be able to perform all these activities. Obviously, one is always more interested in an area, therefore, in my opinion I do not find it so important to learn other skills that in our field never will apply. So, in my opinion, the change in my program of studies could be the choice to take specialties early (for example, in the second or third year of career), with this the workload and the duration of studies would be lower.

I also think about the changes that will be happening in my career, as well as those that are already happening: (buildings and infrastructure) that will allow us to have more laboratories and rooms. Also those changes that are happening in our chemistry and pharmacy study program, since my generation is currently witnessing a change in teaching methods when applying a new program.

Well ... I hope all these changes are for the benefit of all of us.


  1. I agree with what you think, I also think that they should specialize before

  2. we need a cafeteria of our own in the faculty u_u and a new library
